今日のニュース:The Worth of A Girl: Child Marriage Around the World
Somaya in Afghanistan was 13 years old when her father sold her into marriage. He got $3,300 for agreeing to let her marry the son of a relative. About 650 million children and women alive today were married before age 18. That is about 17 percent of the world’s female population. Ending child marriage is critical to improving worldwide health, ending poverty and expanding human rights.
Yet more than 12 million girls get married by age 18 every year. They are often forced and this affects the girls from poor and rural areas, where child marriage is an ingrained cultural practice that some people see as protecting women who have few choices.
13歳の女の子が実の父親に結婚させられた話は本当に切なくなりますね。結婚しても学校に行きたいという希望さえ聞いてもらえず、義母には「I bought you.」私はあなたを(家事をさせるために)買ったのよなんてひどい言葉を言われたそうです。好きな人と結婚ができるという誰もが当たり前に思えることができないところもあるのですね。。